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Mariko Umeda


Set Designer, Concept Artist, Illustrator, Visual Novel Author and Game Artist

 Mariko started her creative career as an illustrator when she was studying Graphic Design BA at Tama Art University Tokyo. After graduated a BA, she has worked as a concept artist, a lead artist and an art director in both Japan and the UK. Her former employers are Konami Digital Entertainment (Tokyo, Japan), Gree. inc (Tokyo, Japan) and Rebellion developments (Oxford, the UK). Also, her first comic book was published by Kadokawa Shoten in 2016.

She studied on the Production Design MA at the National Film and Television School ( to enhance her filmmaking skills and understanding. She won the Joe Farley Award for her production design studies during the course. She finished the course in February 2017 and got a Masters Degree from RCA.

She started working as a concept artist and designer for the puppet animation series Moon and Me  (Start broadcasting on BBC Cbeebies from 4th Feb 2019) in 2017 and the show nominated BAFTA Children's Awards 2019 Pre-school Live-Action Category.

She illustrated a picture book Moon and Me the Little Seed written by Andrew Davenport and published by Scholastic Children's Book. And also she providing illustration for Cbeebies official app and other Moon and Me product.

Currently, She is based in near New York City and founded UK&M LLC, She is providing artworks and production design for worldwide creative productions.

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 多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科在籍中よりイラストレーターとしての活動を開始。同大学卒業後コナミデジタルエンターテインメント家庭用ゲーム部門にデザイナーとして入社し、コンセプトドローイングやモーション作成、3Dモデル、インターフェースなどの多分野に渡って制作に携わる。その後グリー株式会社、Rebellion developments(英国オックスフォード)等の会社でアートディレクター、リードアーティストとしてゲーム制作のアート分野で活動を続ける。2016年、角川書店より エッセイ漫画「渡英2年うめだまのイギリス自由帳」を出版。

欧米の映画美術とコンセプト作成をより深く学ぶため、国際的に評価ある英国立映画テレビ学校(NFTS)に入学、2017年2月には同大学にてRCAの院学位を取得。在学中の研究でJoe Farley Award を受賞するなど、イラストレーション、専門的な設計の両面で映画制作を実践的に学ぶ。

NFTS 卒業後、2017年より米国アトランタにて、Andrew Davenport氏の最新作、2019年2月BBC Cbeebiesにて放送開始のパペットアニメーションシリーズ 「Moon and Me」のコンセプトアーティスト兼セットデザイナーとして就業。同作品は2019年のBAFTA Children's Awards Preschool Live Actionにノミネートされ、プロダクションチームの一員として授賞式に参加。


同作のオリジナル絵本Moon and Me the Little Seedの挿絵を全編にわたり担当、Scholastic Children's Book より世界中で発売中。また、BBC Cbeebiesが提供するオンライン上のゲームアプリにもイラストレーションを提供。


>>合同会社UK&M 最新情報(外部サイト)




Co-Founder and Concept Artist

UK and M LLC (2019-present)

Illustrator for Game App (UK access only)

CBeebies Storytime / Moon And Me Friends always

CBeebies Playtime Island App

Production Designer


Japanese Short film directed by Hiroki Taniguchi

Illustrator for Game App (UK access only)

Moon And Me Official web: Time to go to sleep (2019 and 2021)

BBC CBeebies website


Picture Book Illustrator 

Moon And Me the Little Seed (2019)

Scholastic Children's Book

Author: Andrew Davenport

Published worldwide

Concept Artist / Designer 

Moon And Me (2017-2019)

Puppet and Stop motion Animation

BBC Cbeebies

Bentobox animation studio

Moon and Me production ltd

Pinewood Studios UK, Atlanta US

Production Designer

Another Day, Another Time (2016)

UK, NFTS Short Film

Art Department Work Placement

Jason Bourne (2016)

UK, Warner Bros Leavesden Studios

Visual Novel Author


Japan, Kadokawa Shoten

Production Designer

Faithful (2015)

UK, NFTS Short Film

UI Designer

2PM Take off and Story (2015)



Lead Mobile Artist

Raceline CC (2014)


UK, Rebellion Developments

Art Director

Animal Days (2012-2013)


Japan, Gree inc

Design Director

Magicians Quest Mysterious Times 2(2010)


Magicians Quest Mysterious Times 3 (2011)


Nintendo DS

Japan, Konami Digital Entertainment Ltd

Illustrator/Motion Scriptor

Loveplus (2009)


Nintendo DS

Japan, Konami Digital Entertainment Ltd

UI Designer

Mah-jongg Fight Club Wii (2008)


Nintendo Wii

Japan, Konami Digital Entertainment Ltd


Saying Goodbye (2007)

Japan,Animated Short film

Official Selection of Hida International Animation Festival of Folktales and Fables

Fashion Illustrator


Japan, Freelance


Skill and Knowledge

Production Design MA

The National Film and Television School (2015-2016)

Beaconsfield, The United Kingdom


Graphic Design&Animation BA

Tama Art University (2003-2007)

Tokyo, Japan




Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk AutoCAD, Sai, Clip studio


Autodesk MAYA, 3DS Max , Zbrush


Flash, Animate, After Effects, Premiere, Console and application game development

Hand drawing

Technical drawing for film,

Realistic Illustrations 

Manga(Comic) drawing


English (Academic &Business) and Japanese (Native Speaker)


Copyright 2023 Mariko Umeda

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